Please take note of bolded items
I. Character Update (people really like this part)
a: Level?
b: Zone Are you in?
c: Powers taken?
II: Discussion
a: We ask for something different from WoW, we get it, then we want WoW
i. People continue to want tank and spank
ii. People continue to want the same setup as WoW, 1 tank, 1 healer and 3 DPS
b: Champions Continues to appear to me to be UO in a EQ/WoW world (yes it is missing some of the awesomeness of
UO ganking, player housing, etc...)
i. At this point there will be Flavor of the month (FotM) powers
ii. People will retcon into those powers
iii. there will be guys that dominate using non-FotM builds
iv. Doesn't matter as much because PvP isn't as important here as it was in UO
v. Like UO, multiple people can have the same name and appearance
c. any other topics?
Community Topics:
a. What do we expect when we cancel an account?
i. some guy cancelled his account, gave the support person his reason why, then went onto complain that they
simply said "thank you for trying our game" instead of assuring him his feedback would be used
b. Retcon pricing
i. IMHO it should be high. This isn't like WoW where a Retcon keeps you a Paladin, just changes your focus, CO a
Retcon allows you to come back as a completely different character. You never need an alt.
ii. UO had complete retcons, but they were time consuming (if you didn't macro)
iii. They have given out 1 free retcon and are about to give out another free retcon in less than 1 month
c. send /cry a screenshot of your character -AT-
d. Discuss characters we have seen in game
a. Patch news
i. Read the Economy post on our site
ii. Lemuria content (repeatable quests to help feel the content game until Blood Moon)
iii. Blood Moon Content
b. Free Retcon soon, pay attention
a. Stances
b. Defending against attacks (dicuss post on website)
c. Tip, check your bag
d. Social Tab:Twitter, Facebook, iTunes, chat channels
@Direwolf suggested we talk about it
Moment of the Week:
a. Discuss your favorite moment of the week
i. something ingame that happened that is funny or was fun.